Friday, March 15, 2013

I am currently part of a committee that passed the following legislation onto the House floor. Read More about our legislation on TV Indecency in this article:

NAMPA — Six Canyon County lawmakers spearheaded a request Thursday to rid television of portrayals of premarital sex, including people joking about sex, lying in bed together or undressing.

The request in the form of a House Joint Memorial passed out of the House State Affairs Committee. Rep. Brent Crane, R-Nampa, a sponsor, said it will likely pass the full House.
The non-binding memorial is to encourage the FCC to target such portrayals in scripted TV shows, reality shows and ads.
“All we’re doing is we’re urging the Federal Communications Commission to just enforce the policy that they have on with regards to decency,” Crane said.
Crane is joined by representatives Darrell Bolz of Caldwell, Gayle Batt of Wilder, Rick Youngblood of Nampa, Gary Collins of Nampa and Sen. Todd Lakey of Nampa as sponsors. The memorial should be heard by the full House early next week, Crane said.
Bolz said Marcia Yiapan of Nampa has been lobbying lawmakers for years to bring the memorial forward. Collins also mentioned her influence.
“(She) has been pushing it for at least four or five years, so we decided to at least get it out,” Collins said. “There’s not much to watch on TV anymore, especially if you have a family.”
Collins said the memorial probably would not have an impact on the FCC, but he and the others wanted to do something about the issue.
The memorial cites the Idaho Constitution’s statement that “the first concern of all good government is the virtue and sobriety of the people, and the purity of the home,” and says, “Inappropriate and indecent material is being broadcast more frequently.” The measure also notes that the FCC is charged preventing the broadcast of indecent programming between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., “when children might be watching,” and calls on the federal agency to “resume enforcement of traditional American standards of decency.”
View the TV INDECENCY MEMORIAL we drafted.

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